10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

5th. January 2025 - Local Worship - Lynda Smith

12th. January 2025 - Rev. Michael Giles (Covenenant)

19th. January 2025 - Live stream with Kempston East

26th. January 2025 - Glynne Rowlands

Sunday Club

Children's group every Sunday in term time (except parade services)



Quote for the month

John Wesley once said "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can." Some very wise advice!

Dear all,

Well, another New Year and you might ask "what will this year bring", either with hope and for some, a little apprehension.

I have started driving again. Now, what has that to do with New Year you might say? . It's because, after seven months it was decision for me of stepping  forward or staying where I was. You see, you can't drive a car forward if you are always looking in the back mirror.

And  that's a bit like New year. You as a person or the Church as an organisation, cannot move forward if you are always looking back.

A quote I remember is Yesterday's History and you can't do anything to change it, Tomorrow's a mystery - again you cant do anything about it  BUT today is the present - a gift from God.


  • Christmas Day service was held again by zoom and taken by John Sackett. Thanks go to John and Brenda for giving us the opportunity to worship together on Christmas Day.
  • The Brigades Carol Service was held on the 2nd December 2024. Kempston East Church was full. Thanks go to the Brigade leaders and girls and boys for their cheerful items and the fun had by all.
  • Church Carol Service was held on 22nd. December 2024 with Rev. Michael Giles was well attended with a different sort of Nativity. Every one enjoyed the hot drinks and mince pies afterwards.
  • Members Christmas giving Thank you so much to those who gave the items to: the Bedford Food Bank, the Salvation Army and the paracetamols for Ukraine via Bedfordshire Police. It shows that every little helps. The items for Ukraine are ongoing, please.

Fair Trade

Thanks to Jean, Kempston West Church is again registered with Fair Trade. You can now enjoy their beverages at coffee mornings and on Sunday mornings and know you are, at the same time supporting fair trade.    

Eco Church

Also thanks to Jean, Kempston West Church has now received the Eco Church Silver Award.

Bedford Repair Café

Bedford Repair Café is run by volunteers to help you save money and the planet. They can fix electricals, toys, bikes, clothes and you can learn a thing or two. Just turn up, queue and your item (one per household) is fixed by volunteers for free. These events are held quarterly at Project 229 (next to Kempston East Church.



Coffee Morning

will be held on 11th January 2025 from 10.00am to 11.30am. This month it is in aid of Medical Detention Dogs suggested by Lucy Connor. Do come along and ask your neighbours and friends too, the more the merrier and the more we can help others.

Last month  an amazing  £150.00 was raised for the Salvation Army, thank you to all who contributed. in any way.


Kempston West Methodist Church is part of the

North Bedfordshire Methodist Circuit, which is part of the

Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire Methodist District, which is part of the

British Methodist Connexion.

The church building dates from 1860 and the frontage was re-modelled in 1967.

More history can be found in My Weslyan Methodists and Bedfordshire Archives.

We just have been granted the A Rocha Eco Church Silver Award in recognition of our efforts to care for God's earth in each of the following areas: Worship and Teaching, Management of Buildings and Land, Community and Global Engagement, Lifestyle. (The silver award logo and certificate will appear here when they are available.)

We are a Fairtrade Church, committed to supporting Fairtrade farmers by using fairly traded products and promoting them in the community.

Who else meets on our premises?

1st Kempston Girls Brigade meets on Wednesdays during term time. 

Bunyan Preschool meets on weekdays during term time.

Kempston Concert Band meets on Monday evenings.


Our Minister is always willing to talk to anyone on matters of concern.


Revd. Michael Giles

Minister's Phone Number+44 1234 930882
