10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

2nd. February 2025 - Chris Fox

9th. February 2025 - Local Worship - John Sackett

16th. February 2025 - Rev. Michael Giles (Holy Communion)

23rd. February 2025 - Paul Burgin

Sunday Club

Children's group every Sunday in term time (except parade services)



Thought for the month

The simple things are often the best: a simple, helping hand, a kindly thought, the simple phrase,
"Of Course, I understand"

Dear all,

Leaving the house the other morning, Peter caught me talking to myself - nothing unusual there you might say - and yet he could not see anybody. I had said "Hello", back again, "how nice to see you". I explained that there was a little snowdrop in the front garden. Only little but I can't tell you how it cheered my day. The same when seeing the sunlight glisten through raindrops on the fir tree just like diamonds or glancing a blue tit dashing around the back garden building a nest.

These little signs of nature tell us that spring is coming, hard to believe when the weather is dank and dark. No wonder our ancestors rejoiced on the appearance of the sun. It brightens the spirit and reminds us of God's creation. It gives us hope and today being the present - let's rejoice in the many blessings we have been given.

May our faces portray that joy and wonder to others,

Blessings, Lynda


"Where flowers bloom, so does hope" Lady Bird Johnson



Coffee Morning

will be held on 8th February 2025 from 10.00am to 11.30am. This month it is in aid of Bedford Primrose unit. Do come along and ask your neighbours and friends too, the more the merrier and the more we can help others.


Last month,  £115.00 was raised for the Medical detection dogs, thank you to all who contributed in any way.

Holy Communion Service

will be led by Rev. Michael Giles on February 16th 2025.

Reminder: Daffodil Day 1st March 2025

  • Meet at the station of your choice
  • All train down to Blackfriars together
  • Share taxi to Westminster Central Hall
  • Have lunch - or take your own
  • Service from 2pm - 4pm
  • Taxi back to Blackfriars and
  • Train back to station of choice.

If you are interested in sharing in this day - please let Lynda Smith or Linda Pitts know so we can coordinate nearer the time as we stay very much as a group. Train fares can be cheaper if we go as groups or have senior rail cards and taxi costs are shared.

Future Dates to Note

  • Stewards meeting will be held on 17th February 2025 - any comments, ideas or suggestions would be welcome. The surveys will be analysed and so if you have not completed yours yet, you still have time.
  • Circuit meeting will be held on 20th February 2025.


Kempston West Methodist Church is part of the

North Bedfordshire Methodist Circuit, which is part of the

Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire Methodist District, which is part of the

British Methodist Connexion.

The church building dates from 1860 and the frontage was re-modelled in 1967.

More history can be found in My Weslyan Methodists and Bedfordshire Archives.

We just have been granted the A Rocha Eco Church Silver Award in recognition of our efforts to care for God's earth in each of the following areas: Worship and Teaching, Management of Buildings and Land, Community and Global Engagement, Lifestyle. (The silver award logo and certificate will appear here when they are available.)

We are a Fairtrade Church, committed to supporting Fairtrade farmers by using fairly traded products and promoting them in the community.

Who else meets on our premises?

1st Kempston Girls Brigade meets on Wednesdays during term time. 

Bunyan Preschool meets on weekdays during term time.

Kempston Concert Band meets on Monday evenings.


Our Minister is always willing to talk to anyone on matters of concern.


Revd. Michael Giles

Minister's Phone Number+44 1234 930882
