10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

6th October 2024 - Rev. Michael Giles (Parade Service)

13th October 2024 - Janet Watts

20th October 2024 - Live stream with Kempston East

27th October 2024 - Chris  Robinson

Sunday Club

Children's group every Sunday in term time (except parade services)

Space Quest Light Party - 27th October 2024 4pm to 5.30pm



Thought for the month

"Throw all your anxiety onto Him because He cares for you". 1 Peter Ch. 5 v. 7

Dear all,

Oh dear, when I looked at September's newsletter, I realised I was asking for rain!  Sorry, all I can say is be careful what you wish for… Some people have telephoned us as far afield as Blackpool, Newcastle and Jersey to ask if we have been affected by flooding, and you only have to watch the news to see the damage caused; the mud, the loss of possessions (some very personal), the chaos on the roads and the risk to life. So how can we be thankful? We can appreciate the help the areas affected get from the public services - those working for the Water Authorities, the Fire service, the Police, even the RNLI and somehow, we can realise the devastation of global flooding more because it is nearer home. One good thing is that often communities come together to provide food and shelter, caring for each other. 

We pray that lives will return to normal as soon as possible and all will receive the help they need, Lynda

Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival service held on the 29th September 2024, led by Rev. Martin Truscott was enjoyed by all. The proceeds of food items were taken to the central Food collection point in Bedford and the Kings Arms where the men's socks and underwear for use at the overnight shelter for the homeless were much appreciated. Never think you do not help others!



Coffee Morning

The date has been changed to SATURDAY 19TH OCTOBER 2024. The Coffee Morning is for the good cause of S.A.N.D.S. This is the charity which supports parents of still born and baby deaths. Some in our congregation have experience of this and just how awful it can be. So If you have time, do come along and enjoy an hour  of chat, cuppa and cake knowing you are helping such a good cause. Last month's for Road Victim's Trust raising £95.00, thank you.

Craft and Cuppa

is not meeting at present but is normally held fortnightly on Tuesdays at 1.30pm. meeting in the community room at the St. Johns Homes, Bedford Road, Kempston. All are welcome - learn new crafts or just bring your own.

Church General Meeting

will take place on the 3rd. November 2024 after the Church service. It is important as this is the yearly report of the church activities and the election of officers which has to be attended by the Minister. It should be a short meeting followed by anything considered urgent. A Bring and Share lunch will take place afterwards so it would be appreciated if you could sign the list as to whether you wish to attend and what you are likely to bring, thank you.

End of Summer Time

Don't forget the clocks go back on Sunday October 27th 2024 at 2.00 am so change them Saturday night.


Kempston West Methodist Church is part of the

North Bedfordshire Methodist Circuit, which is part of the

Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire Methodist District, which is part of the

British Methodist Connexion.

The church building dates from 1860 and the frontage was re-modelled in 1967.

More history can be found in My Weslyan Methodists and Bedfordshire Archives.

We have been granted the A Rocha Eco Church Bronze Award

in recognition of our efforts to care for God's earth in each of the following areas: Worship and Teaching, Management of Buildings and Land, Community and Global Engagement, Lifestyle.

Who else meets on our premises?

1st Kempston Girls Brigade meets on Wednesdays during term time. 

Bunyan Preschool meets on weekdays during term time.

Kempston Concert Band meets on Monday evenings.


Our Minister is always willing to talk to anyone on matters of concern.


Revd. Michael Giles

Minister's Phone Number+44 1234 930882
