10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

1st September -  Rev. Michael Giles (Holy Communion)

8th September - Stephanie Field

15th September - Glynne Rowlands

22nd September - Live Stream (Angela Bryden)

29th September -  Rev Martin Truscott (Harvest Festival)

Sunday Club

Children's group every Sunday in term time (except parade services)



Thought for the month

Those who live simply, have empty hands - always ready to help others.

How nice it is to be writing this  newsletter again (admittedly one fingered). The old song goes Count your Blessings while you may and I had opportunity to do this over the last three months. You would perhaps think it must have been a dreadful time for our family and yet…..It certainly gave me time to think and I am so grateful for the  amazing people I met (the doctors, nurses and other patients), for having an experience I would not have dreamed of (the love and care of the staff of the care home) and receiving many blessings like the cards, flowers, visits, prayers, casseroles and fruit cakes!) The second part of that song says 'for tomorrow is another day' and I remembered each day that:

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift and that is why it is called the present - Enjoy! This saying kept me going when I was at my lowest, I hope it does the same for you,  Lynda

Bike or Hike

will be using the Church as a staging post on September 14th. 2024 - so don't be surprised if you see cyclists in the church yard.



Coffee Morning

will be on Saturday 7th from 10.00am to 11.30am. This month it is in aid of the Road Victims Trust - thinking of those families who have had their lives changed often through no fault of their own and with devestating results.

Craft and Cuppa

is not meeting at present but is normally held fortnightly on Tuesdays at 1.30pm. meeting in the community room at the St. Johns Homes, Bedford Road, Kempston. All are welcome - learn new crafts or just bring your own.

Harvest Festival

The Harvest Festival service will take place on the 29th September 2024, led by our friend, Rev. Martin Truscott. Gifts of tinned or packet food items (to go to the Food Bank) or Men's socks and underwear (to go to the overnight hostel) would be most appreciated.

Annual and Church Meetings

will take place  on Sunday the 3rd. November 2024 after the Church Service. If you  would like a Bring and Share lunch after the service, please add your name to the list going round on Sundays.


Kempston West Methodist Church is part of the

North Bedfordshire Methodist Circuit, which is part of the

Bedfordshire, Essex and Hertfordshire Methodist District, which is part of the

British Methodist Connexion.

The church building dates from 1860 and the frontage was re-modelled in 1967.

More history can be found in My Weslyan Methodists and Bedfordshire Archives.

We have been granted the A Rocha Eco Church Bronze Award

in recognition of our efforts to care for God's earth in each of the following areas: Worship and Teaching, Management of Buildings and Land, Community and Global Engagement, Lifestyle.

Who else meets on our premises?

1st Kempston Girls Brigade meets on Wednesdays during term time. 

Bunyan Preschool meets on weekdays during term time.

Bedford Brass meets on Thursday evenings.


Our Minister is always willing to talk to anyone on matters of concern.


Revd. Michael Giles

Minister's Phone Number+44 1234 930882
